Wednesday, April 14, 2010

interlude II

still not in a cheerful mood
i'm happy, in a way though
or is it just a contented feeling?
anyhow, don't feel like writing 'real' new post (what is real, anyway?)
maybe in a day or two i'll write something up
juz for the sake of keeping this blog updated

p/s: i'll write in english when sumthing is bothering me.....


cow bebe said...

jika seorg tu tlah melukai hati kamu.ingat lah bahawa kamu ade lg ramai org/kawan yg berada d samping mu, yg mengambil berat akan kamu, yg membuat kn kamu happy, yg selalu menyokong kamu d belakang.jgn lah biar kan seorg itu saje boleh menghitamkan hari2 kamu (^.^).
be happy like me (^O^)

dot3 malas sign in said...

bknnye org heartbroken sangat pun.....